Grammy and Grandma Bev (Shull) came to get Nanny this past Friday.  It started out a great day.  They arrived to our house and quickly took off with Nanny and Landon for the mall (where else?!).  I gave her instructions over the phone of how to open the stroller and how to securely set the car seat in the stroller.  Little did I know that I should have provided instructions on how to walk & push the stroller ;)

I got a call from mom around 1:30pm - she informs me that she needs me to meet her at our house.  From there I will need to take her to the emergency room!  WHAT HAPPENED?!  HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?!  Landon was strapped securely in the car seat which sets into the stroller.  She was pushing the stroller in the mall and he started fussing.  While going around the side of the stroller to talk to him she caught her foot on the back tire (it’s one of those jogging strollers with the big tires).  Trying to catch her balance and not tip over the car seat, she landed on her left foot and it gave way/rolled out from under her – CRUNCH!  She said that there was an excruciating pain and crunch noise – OUCH!  To make this long story short, Nan & Bev came to help her get into the car…along with a few other nice people who helped mom get to the car (Nan & Bev still laugh that most of the people who “helped” them spent more time admiring and playing with Landon).  

I met her at my house and quickly whisked her and her very swollen foot to the emergency room.  All of the nurses and the dr. admired at how “pretty” the colors were – her foot was very blue and purple. They would all ask her how she felt – she would say “mad, mad that my shopping day with my grandson got wrecked” J  They took several X-rays and showed us where she broke her HEEL!  I had no idea that a heel could be broken!  Poor Grammy!  They put her in a temporary cast up to her knee! And said that the swelling would have to go down before surgery.  Mom, Bev & Nanny made it back to Morton on Friday night.  For now she is at home keeping her foot up until she sees the orthopedist (on Wednesday) to determine when surgery will be.  What a bummer!   We hope & pray that her heel/foot heals quickly! 


Our little man is 2 months old (officially on March 20).  Landon was 9 weeks old last Tuesday, the same day that he had his 2 month check-up at the doctor’s office.  He is growing so big!!

Weight: 11 lbs. 14 ozs (50th percentile)
Length: 23.5 inches (75th percentile)
Head Circumference: 39.2 cm (25th percentile)

Landon was so sweet at the dr. office.  He smiled and talked to the nurses while they we measuring and weighing him.  Dr. Hanson didn’t get many smiles, but she reassured him that she thought he was pretty wonderful.  Unfortunately he couldn’t charm his way out of getting his first set of shots (first of many more to come).  He had 1 oral vaccine – he thought that was great J!  Then he had 4 shots – 2 in each thigh – he didn’t think those were so great L.  Poor little man – he cried for a few minutes.  He got a fun band-aid for each shot (check out the picture below).  He was a little fussy the rest of the day, but his legs didn’t seem sore the next day. 

As mentioned before, Landon is smiling and “talking” more and more every day.  He spends time playing on his activity mat kicking and swinging at the animals/toys hanging above him.  He’s also started admiring his hands when they are fisted.  Nanny loves this!  It is cute to see him put his fists in front of his face and stare at them.  It’s so amazing how God has created our child and to watch him develop right before our eyes – so precious!  Something that Landon has blessed us with lately is his sleep.  For the past couple of weeks Landon has been sleeping through the night.  He goes to bed around 8:30pm and sleeps until 4:30 – 6am!  It’s wonderful.  To make sure we don’t take it for granted, he sometimes wakes up at 2:30am, but at least it’s not every night.  He woke up at 2:30am early Sunday morning – early enough to see the snow coming down – yuck!  We are very ready for spring weather so we can enjoy some outdoor activities. 


Mr. Smiles...notice that milk drool.

He's 8 weeks!  He weighs about 11.5 pounds this week. 

It was such a gorgeous day here that Dave, Landon, Max, MoJo & I took a walk this evening.  Landon loved every minute of it.  He started off smiling and cooing.  By the time we arrived back in our driveway he was sleeping.  As you can see from the picture below he doesn't always smile, but he loves just hanging out.  Today Nanny put him in the swing and turned on cartoons for him to watch.  She said it was so cute to see how he was watching and following the characters on the screen.

Check out his shirt. I thought it was fitting since his daddy works on airplane programs at Boeing :) 

So the dogs are doing really good with Landon.  MoJo is more interested in him than Max is, but both have done well with adjusting to the baby.  When we got MoJo and Max we did several dog training classes and taught them many commands.  The both picked up on the training very quickly and we have continued to reinforce the commands and rules.  One area we were a little relaxed on was allowing them on the furniture.  We have learned in the past 8 weeks that this was a bad idea.  So, for the past 2 weeks we've been working with the pups on staying off of the furniture.  MoJo has taken this more personally than Max.  However both have caught on to this quite quickly and are doing very well with the new house rule.  Here's a picture of their puppy couch.  Not quite as big and comfy as they'd like, but I like it much better :)


Last week was my first week back to work.  Those 7 weeks went by much too quickly!  I didn’t shed any tears because Grammy came in to stay with Landon for the week.  I knew that he would be very well taken care of (and spoiled!) while at work, so no worries were to be had.  

Grammy was a great help!  First she worked on figuring out what kind of schedule Landon was wanting to have during the day.  We determined that he likes a good morning nap, cat naps in the early afternoon, and a good nap in the late afternoon.  He has been going to bed around 8:30pm and gets up about 6:30am, only waking around 2:30am for a feeding.  We can work with that schedule!  It’s great!

Second Grammy worked on getting Landon socialized – this isn’t something I thought he was lacking.  However, my mom ran into some friends from Morton at a mall here in St. Louis (such a small world!).  She was showing Landon off to her friends….he would look at her and smile, then look at the friends and frown!  He did this several times over again.  So it was determined that he needs to be socialized more so that he would smile at everyone J  So, she socialized him at the malls and stores while working on his wardrobe.  Grammy got Landon new socks, shoes, clothes, books and toys.  So much fun!  Grammy – we can’t thank you enough for all you did last week!  In addition to taking care of Landon you took awesome care of Dave & me.  THANK YOU!!!!

Grammy had to go home so that she could go back to work.  So, Nanny has moved in and is ready to take care of Landon --- until the end of summer.   We are so blessed to have her here taking great care of our little man.  Landon is going to have so much fun with Nan.  She has taken care of so many children over the years, and Landon is lucky to be one of them.  Pa & Noah brought Nan today, here are a few shots of them hanging out with Landon and trying to get him to smile. 


Little Man is getting quite the personality.  He is really starting to smile, mostly right after he's had his bottle.  We're all happier when we have a full belly, right?  Landon weighs 10 lbs 9 ozs this week - growing so big!  He wakes once at night to eat, sleeping about 5-6 hours then another 3-4.  He's a happy little guy who is starting to love his play gym & bouncy seat where he can kick and reach for the toys.  He's starting to see things and track them better with his eyes.  When he hears a voice or noise he moves his head to follow it.  It is so awesome to see how much he is growing and changing.  It's also fun to guess who he looks like - he looks like someone different with the different faces he makes. 

Landon went to Dave's basketball game on Saturday.  He was sporting the Illini orange in support of the Orange team. 


Yes, today Landon is 6 weeks old - seems like he is getting too big too fast.  He started smiling this weekend when we arrived in Morton.  So far he has smiled for everyone but his own mother!  He loves to be talked to and is trying to coo a little bit. 

There's more updates to come...but thought  you'd all enjoy his precious smile :)