Mr. Smiles...notice that milk drool.

He's 8 weeks!  He weighs about 11.5 pounds this week. 

It was such a gorgeous day here that Dave, Landon, Max, MoJo & I took a walk this evening.  Landon loved every minute of it.  He started off smiling and cooing.  By the time we arrived back in our driveway he was sleeping.  As you can see from the picture below he doesn't always smile, but he loves just hanging out.  Today Nanny put him in the swing and turned on cartoons for him to watch.  She said it was so cute to see how he was watching and following the characters on the screen.

Check out his shirt. I thought it was fitting since his daddy works on airplane programs at Boeing :) 

So the dogs are doing really good with Landon.  MoJo is more interested in him than Max is, but both have done well with adjusting to the baby.  When we got MoJo and Max we did several dog training classes and taught them many commands.  The both picked up on the training very quickly and we have continued to reinforce the commands and rules.  One area we were a little relaxed on was allowing them on the furniture.  We have learned in the past 8 weeks that this was a bad idea.  So, for the past 2 weeks we've been working with the pups on staying off of the furniture.  MoJo has taken this more personally than Max.  However both have caught on to this quite quickly and are doing very well with the new house rule.  Here's a picture of their puppy couch.  Not quite as big and comfy as they'd like, but I like it much better :)

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